Sunday, November 18, 2012


My website is now up and running! I'm so stoked and look forward to sharing all that I know. 
Please go to as I will be using this site. 
Thank You!

Coffee Addict

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I must confess... I. AM. A. COFFEE. ADDICT.
I am so sorry dear Green Tea, but I admit defeat... My mornings are just not the same any more without  my 3 teaspoons of sugar only coffee...

I'm sorry. I betrayed you. Green Tea. :(

Fifty Shades of Grey?

Friday, September 28, 2012

I don't understand. Why is this book so popular? I want to know, and just for that, I'm thinking of purchasing this book. No, not the actual book. Perhaps the ebook. It is definitely much cheaper than the actual paperback and I know that it will definitely save space in my bookshelf for something a little better-- if I don't like the book that is. Any opinions about the book? Please do share!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

So I finally caved in and got myself a twitter account. Yep. Twitter. If you have twitter feel free to add me. =D

Envelope Clutch?!

Monday, September 10, 2012

After searching for days and days to try to find alternatives on how I can carry a small enough purse that could hold at least 1 textbook, a notebook, wallet, and some simple make up essentials I finally came across the envelope clutch!

It's large enough to carry it around with you in your hands, but small enough to hold the essentials you need to get through the day... Or at least for a few hours of classes. I found them to be relatively cheap, some ranging from $10 (on ebay) to $40 or more. And they look so amazing!!! 

Look at the photos below, it can give that professional look and it's not only for women! Men could also use them as well and it won't even look like a man purse as some may call it. What are your thoughts? I prefer the red, but obviously, it's a little out of my price range. 

Just not enough time???

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

There are tons of things that I would just love to do. However, I feel that I don't have enough time during the day to do them all! 8 hours of my weekday is spent at work, then 2 hours after work is spent cooking, cleaning and making breakfasts and lunches the next day (yes, it takes me that long!) and then I have 3 hours to spend for myself. Well, not really for myself, I try to give my husband that 1 hour and then the other two I spend reading or writing or even working! But really, once school starts those 2 to 3 hours will be dedicated to my studies. I really just want this education stuff to be done. Done. Done. Just one more year. One more year and I can really get my career started. Does anyone feel that way right now? Or at least feel that they're not going anywhere with their career because they're missing some sort of qualification to move further up the career ladder? I'm definitely feel it now.


Work at Home.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I've been very curious lately regarding home based jobs, you know the jobs where you can work at home? So, just out of curiousity I did a little research and I found out a few things about these jobs. Of course, there are positives and negatives to jobs, and online jobs aren't any different... Well, it is a little different. Here's what I've found out:

1) Many of these jobs are scams, I didn't say ALL, just many. Even though they look like "professional" sites, or even look legit, they might not be what they actually are. So do some background research on the company before you apply.

2) A majority of these online jobs do not offer big money like they advertise. I came across a couple websites where their ad said "Want to earn $200 in an hour?" Or "This will make you rich!" If it was that simple I'm sure many people would be doing it, but the reality is, these online jobs take time. A lot of time to be sucessful. Don't quit your day job just because you're "hired."

3) Many of these job positions are: Data Entry, Surveys, or Call Centre positions. Sound easy? Again, if they were, many people would be quitting their day jobs just so they could work at home.

4) Now if you happen to find a legitimate, and good paying job, the very positive aspect of working from home is, well, you'd be working from home. It's pretty rewarding in the respect that you wouldn't really have to pay for gas to drive to and from your work, you could work your own hours, wear your own clothes, and well, you don't really have to deal with the "working environment."

And that is what I found out so far. I know I could make a longer list, but this is pretty much what sums up online/home-based jobs. I would recommend if you really want to work at home, take up freelancing. Start your own "business" and get paid for doing what you enjoy. The only downside is that you would have to compete with a lot of others out there that are freelancing as well.

Good luck!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My weeks are going by so fast! I know I haven't been updating here as much as I want to, but I have been busy working on a wonderful project that I hope people would like. Of course, it is a very big upgrade for one thing, and it will take some time for me to complete. So please bear with me while I complete it. It will be worth it! I'm sure!

In the past few weeks, I've been settling down at my job. I'm getting the hang of doing things around the building and I'm even able to manage my work and additional work as well. It is quite rewarding, however, I want to do more. How? I have no idea, but I'm hoping that the path I'm taking at this job will allow me to get somewhere far.

I have about a month left until school starts again. Oh boy. I wonder how that will end up. I'm a little nervous. I feel that I've taken more than what I expected, but I won't give up now without even trying. I keep thinking of all the work that piles up on me every morning, then by the end of the day it's all done. I keep relating that with school. Even though it seems like a lot now, eventually it will be over soon and I can relax.

Keep at it!!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hello Everyone!!! My husband and I have moved out of my parent's place and we're now renting a 1 bedroom condo. Let's just say that it's a lot better than living in 1 room and having to deal with parents all day. It's not that I don't get a long with my parents, it's the fact that it's just hard to live with them. We have no personal space at all, and the only space we actually had was the 1 bedroom. Now, we can appreciate every space we have in our condo since we have a kitchen to cook our own food, watch movies late at night without having to disturb anyone and it's our own space. Not only that, but school is coming! I feel so excited to go back, but I do not look forward to the amount of work that I have to do. Working full time and  going to school in the evening will take so much time... And that's 5 days a week.I'm sure it's well worth it 

This is kind of what the condo looks like but it has a fireplace and not a large sliding door. =D


Marriage and Finance

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My husband and I took the time to gather our finances and actually break down what we've been spending. In all honesty, looking at our online banking system, it really doesn't tell us how much we're actually spending. So, we decided to start recording how much and where we're spending our money. It's a very helpful tip since we can easily figure out what to spend less on, which are crappy restaurants, and what is more important to purchase, like good food. I also made an excel file on how to actually save more money and where to save our money. It's so much easier than having to see online what we have left. As well, it helps us communicate more to each other on what our expectations are when it comes to spending money and whether what we're planning to purchase is reasonable. The things my husband has presented to me regarding make up and electronics did bring a lot of light to me. What I've been doing was spending a lot of money on make up, even ones that I would use only once. It wasn't reasonable. And it was very costly. So I did cut back on it. Not because I felt bad that I was spending too much, but because the money could be put towards other items, like saving for a nice trip somewhere.

Yes, my weekend was very productive indeed.

Ties That Bind

Friday, June 1, 2012

I currently am no longer a housewife, as I work full time and attend school full time as well. Yes, I am crazy; however, I know that to reach my goals I need to do this. Not for anyone, but for myself. Life is so interesting at times, and I know there are lots of people in my life right now that are just waiting for me to mess up. That's not going to happen. When I think about it, it is those people that builds up confidence in myself and what I do in my life. The fact that if I do fail, which I'm not, they are going to be the first ones to say "I'm so sorry for you." The sad thing about these people are that they are the very family I know and grew up with. And the very people that looked down on me from day one because they felt that they can just do that; even though I have a higher paying job, have 3 times the education they have and a better life than they have. Yes, I grew up being told that family will always be there for me. And in the end it was family that almost ruined my life. Family, especially relatives, can be equally untrustworthy as friends. So choose your family member wisely. It hurts a lot more knowing that even the person you share the same blood with can turn around and stab you in the back.

I learned. I don't trust my own relatives anymore. Never. Ever. And I feel justified for being the way I am towards them.

Attraction and the Laws

Friday, May 25, 2012

You know when people say "what comes around goes around?" and "be careful what you wish for?" That's pretty much what I've been doing for myself in the past few years; however, I've been trying to be as positive as I can. Sometimes, it just doesn't seem to work out very well. How does it work? If you focus your thoughts on positive things then chances are you'll get those positive outcomes. It's like your the magnet and your thoughts is what makes up the magnetic field that surrounds you. So when you have positive thoughts that magnetic field will attract those things.

I haven't been reading a lot lately, but I have been watching some youtube videos about life and positivism. One of the most influential speakers to me is Ibraham Fiki. He speaks fluent arabic so unfortunately there's no english videos with him in it. Anyways, he speaks about reaching goals and getting to the top of your career and how to enjoy your life. He gives a lot of examples in his life about how he got to the top of his career by following and being like the top manager in the company. He also mentioned that your thoughts are the most strongest force in humans. When you think of something you want, you may not get it right away, but maybe down the road you will. If you really, really want something, then you will get it. Positive energy, and positive thinking is more stronger than negative.

So when you feel like your day feels like crap, smile and think positively maybe that day will bring some interesting gifts. =D

Sick and Not Liking It

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Getting sick is not a very pleasant feeling, especially when you've been sick for the whole long weekend instead of having fun with the family. For the first week I've ended up getting my allergies which eventually turned into a cold... And this cold consisted of coughing heavily, sneezing, low amounts of energy, and getting everyone else in the household sick. I did learn a few tricks on how to feel a little better each day.

  • Squeeze one lemon and sweeten it with some honey; drink and enjoy!
  • For a hot beverage I had Tetley's Dream flavoured tea, it has chamoille and lemon in it which calms the sore throat due to coughing; and I also had the Revive one, which had pure peppermint for the stuffy, runny nose of mine.
  • I also wore some proper clothing; sweat pants and a large sweater for the whole weekend kept me nice and warm without having to worry about getting my cold worst.
  • In addition, I also took one type of medicine, which was Buckleys in gel pill form. I'm not a big fan of the liquid stuff so I opted for the gel pill; I like how I can take it everywhere I go, especially when I'm at work.
  • Lastly, even thought it was the long weekend and I wished I was able to spend it with my family, I took that opportunity to rest. For most of Saturday and Sunday, I was in bed sleeping, while my supportive husband made me a yummy breakfast and cuddled with me while I was sleeping. Monday, we spent the day watching movies.
I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend, and wasn't sick like I was! =D

Re: To Previous Post

Friday, May 18, 2012

Recently, I had a bit of a rant, and even thought it was a little blunt and mean, I have calmed down and I apologize for the negativity. Anyways, I'm a woman and I haven't gone through menopause, yet (and hopefully not for a long time). However, I know that there are a lot of women I know that are going through that stage in their life and it's not one of the most pleasant stage either. I understand that. But, if a woman acts as if the world has to be depressed and pity her because she's "suffering" by treating others like crap, then no, I'm not going to tolerate that. Of course, I'm going to bite my tounge because I don't need the drama in my life and I'm pretty content with my life as it is. That does not mean that I do not have a boundary, a line that can get crossed. And this woman is currently crossing that thin line of patience. I'm disgusted. She's fat. Old. Smells so bad, I feel like puking. And she's cranky. Sorry, but I cannot take it. If she could only wash herself better, not put on cheap dollar store perfume and if she could just smile more even if its fake, then I'll be a happy go lucky person. But damn, the aura is just killing me.


If you're on menopause, and you're very moody and think that the word is against you in every aspect of your life... Please take your medications. There are people that don't need the drama. Period.

I will talk about what happened next post, but seriously? The world is not going to pity you because your life sucks and you're just making it worst by making it suck more. Gah!!!

2009 ·One Way To Love by TNB