
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hello Everyone!!! My husband and I have moved out of my parent's place and we're now renting a 1 bedroom condo. Let's just say that it's a lot better than living in 1 room and having to deal with parents all day. It's not that I don't get a long with my parents, it's the fact that it's just hard to live with them. We have no personal space at all, and the only space we actually had was the 1 bedroom. Now, we can appreciate every space we have in our condo since we have a kitchen to cook our own food, watch movies late at night without having to disturb anyone and it's our own space. Not only that, but school is coming! I feel so excited to go back, but I do not look forward to the amount of work that I have to do. Working full time and  going to school in the evening will take so much time... And that's 5 days a week.I'm sure it's well worth it 

This is kind of what the condo looks like but it has a fireplace and not a large sliding door. =D


2009 ·One Way To Love by TNB