My husband and I finally finished playing Gears of War on the co-op version of the game, you can purchase it in your nearest gaming store or (I have the link on the right sidebar of this blog). The difficulty was set on casual. It took us 4 weekends, and 6 hours of play time to complete this game. It was challenging, lots of yelling, laughing, and swearing before we finished the game. The biggest hint to defeating this game is to get as much ammunition as possible, and to destroy every holes the enemies exit out of with a grenade. If you don’t want to keep fighting the enemy for too long, destroy those port holes! And as well, take lots of cover. If you’re just standing and not covering, you’ll continuously keep getting yourselves killed. Lastly, talk to your partner. If he/she is going to make a move, tell them that they must communicate or else you’ll get monsters attacking your characters from all corners.
This was an exciting bonding moment, my husband and I had. We enjoyed it so much that we’re going to get the 2nd and 3rd game next. It allowed us to communicate with each other on what we’re planning to do, and whenever we made a bad move, we learned to laugh at it. Of course, at first we were like “what the f*** did you do that?!” And of course there was me screaming at every ugly look monster that attempted to charge at my character. My husband was always there to kill those monsters before it got to me; he was so princely saving me like that. Haha.
Anyways, when you and your special someone wants to do something at home, instead of watching a movie try playing a game. It’s a lot of fun. :D Check out the Gears of War game below.
This game is amazing and I'm glad both of you liked it too!
December 31, 2012 at 2:13 PMPost a Comment