
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

After getting to know my coworkers a bit, I've come to a realization that I've been so lucky to have a wonderful husband in my life. I've been married to him for almost 2 years now, and I should already appreciate him and all the things he's done for me. But, I've been taking that for granted. I admit it. There are still women a few years older than me, who are in relationships that are so unstable they can't even predict whether their significant other will turn a 180 on them or not. Some would even tell me that their signficant other barely gets them anything and when they do, it's not something that they like, but they'd rather take what their given because they might not get another 'gift' again. Now that I think of it, it has been my husband who has bought me all the nice clothing that actually suit me. And it has been my husband who watches out for what I eat, making sure that I'm not going to eat something that will make me sick... Yes, there are men out there just like my husband. However, many of those men are either taken, just not ready to settle down, or dare I say it, g.a.y. Ladies, if you have a wonderful man out there that do everything he can for you to make you happy, and I what I mean by "happy" is doing everything humanley, logically possible, then hold on to him! You might not get someone like him again.

My husband is amazing, and I love him very, very much.


Anonymous said...

You're really lucky!

May 14, 2012 at 11:48 PM
Anonymous said...

I'm a husband and everything you state is what I try to epitomize. I'm comfortable in my own skin, thus aim to please my wife more than myself.

I have family members, men, who believe men are the "roosters" and women are the "hen." Thankfully, that traditional way of life hasn't tainted my role as husband.


June 3, 2012 at 4:21 PM

2009 ·One Way To Love by TNB